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  • Banderola Lava, ribbon-shaped tone-on-tone

    Banderola Lava from the Banderola series, a wave of flowers  Completes the series of ribbon-shaped Pot Anthuriums (for now)!  Following the introduction of the red Banderola® Roja and the white Banderola® Cava last year, production of Banderola® Lava has gained momentum this year. The most suitable pot size for cultivating Banderola Lava is pot size […] »

  • Anthura Nazare wins Gold at the HTA National Plant Show

    Phalaenopsis Anthura Nazare has won a gold prize at the prestigious National Plant Show of the Horticultural Trades Association. The entry was submitted by Javado together with Anthura. These awards are granted to the most innovative and remarkable newcomers in the assortment.    The prize winners have the potential to become highly successful products in […] »

  • Ornamental Horticulture Also Suitable for Vertical Farming – Greentech 2024

    We see great opportunities for the application of vertical farming in the cultivation of high-value plants. Although vertical farming is often associated with the cultivation of lettuce and leafy greens, Commercial Director Marco van Herk points out that this technology can be better utilized for the cultivation of high-value plants and in areas with challenging […] »

  • In Conversation with Stefan Groenewegen about Sustainability 

    Sustainability at Groene Tint: Switching to LED Lighting and Other Initiatives  The floriculture sector in the Netherlands is rapidly transitioning towards sustainability , and we should be proud of that. Therefore, we are pleased to highlight the sustainable initiatives being taken in the sector, driven by impressive technologies, smart solutions, and passionate entrepreneurs with courage.  We […] »

  • Anthura Antwerp, a polished Phalaenopsis

    With its abundance of soft pink flowers with red lips, the Anthura Antwerp is a gem. This treasure guarantees 13 weeks (about 3 months) of breathtaking beauty.  The Anthura Antwerp is like a diamond among Phalaenopsis. Named after the global capital of this precious gemstone, the Anthura Antwerp is a resilient and brilliant result of […] »

  • FlowerTrials 2024, will you visit us?

    Will you pay us a visit during the FlowerTrials? During FlowerTrials, we present promising varieties, sparkling novelties and inspiring concepts. In our show greenhouse, you will be immersed in a sea of enchanting orchids, breathtaking anthuriums and blooming bromeliads. You are most welcome. »

  • There is music in Melodia

    A true revolution in the world of red Anthurium pot plants. Traditional pot anthurium cultivation focuses on pot sizes of 14cm and larger. The new variety Melodia® falls into this segment, but apart from this, it stands out in everything else. »

  • Manta Palau, a visual spectacle

    Manta® Palau, the latest addition to the Manta® More series, enchants with its ochre yellow flowers that have a beautiful pink glow. This combination gives the plant a warm look reminiscent of Palau's enchanting coral reefs. »

  • Aroha, celebrating the power of love

    In Maori, the language of the Maoris in New Zealand, the meaning of Aroha® is: love. This lovely Anthurium pot plant for small pot sizes takes its name from this. The red colour of the flowers is strong and older flowers hardly fade at all. »

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