Orange sunshine with Florida

 An orange pot Anthurium is part of the range. Florida® is an orange addition to the Anthurium pot plant assortment in the 14 cm and 17 cm pot sizes. 

Florida is known as America’s Orange State as a result of its massive orange production thanks to its year-round sunshine. That is where this intense orange pot Anthurium got its name. It’s no surprise that this newcomer will provide the sunshine in your greenhouse. 

Beautiful colour scheme
The tropical look highlights the entire colour mix and stands out on the shelf. The beautiful orange flowers contrast wonderfully with the dark leaves: the colour catches your eye from a distance. This gives the plant a really striking appearance.  

Compact with a high growth rate
Florida has a compact arrangement of flowers compared to the stacked foliage and will therefore not grow very tall. However, the flowers do develop very neatly above the leaves of this compact plant. The high growth rate ensures that Florida produces flowers quickly, thus increasing its ornamental value. 

Bring the sunshine into your greenhouse with Florida!