Banderola, a Wave of Flowers

As a breeder, you are constantly focused on the long term. It’s easy to imagine that a flowering plant has already gone through a long journey before it reaches the store. However, before a plant is good enough to make it that far, it must first be a strong, beautiful, and interesting enough variety. Finding such a variety takes years! It’s not surprising that we think daily about what the trends will be in 10 years. What will pique the interest of the future generation? Which plant can truly grow with the times?

These are the questions that gave rise to the Banderola® series. A graceful and refined segment of anthurium, ready to grow with the generation of tomorrow. The flowers resemble graceful ribbons and blend harmoniously with the leaves in a playful manner. These charming plants produce a wave of flowers. Beautiful in large pot sizes but also highly suitable for smaller sizes. Timeless elegance in the colours red and white.


Banderola® Roja is the first red variant in this new series, distinguished by the abundant number of flowers per plant and its exuberant bloom. The ribbon-like shape of the flowers is prominently visible and truly sets this segment apart from the familiar Anthurium. The Roja enlivens your surroundings with its playful appearance while maintaining a classic touch with its deep red colour.

Banderola® Roja, a playful variation on the classic Anthurium

Banderola® Cava
The white variant in this new series exudes freshness. The name Cava is fitting: this plant sparkles just like the sparkling wine it’s named after. With the exuberant bloom of the white, upright flowers and the dignified leaves, it’s a charming presence. Festive and elegant, the plant is suitable for both serene aesthetics and celebratory occasions.

Banderola® Cava, festive and elegant

Banderola® Lava exudes warmth, and the ton-sur-ton colour scheme of the flower and the spathe enhances that feeling. The name Lava is chosen for a reason: as if the plant is glowing, the Lava is a fiery display. This passionate Anthurium evokes a pleasant sensation every time you pass by.

Banderola® Lava, warm and passionate

The Banderola® series takes a prominent place in our booth at the FloraHolland Trade Fair in Aalsmeer. Be sure to stop by and see the dignified flower with ribbon-like leaves in person! For any questions about this Anthurium series, please contact your account manager.