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Leganza: a popular pearl-coloured pot plant

The Dutch consumer is not primarily looking for standard red, white or pink pot Anthurium, but a beautiful pearl-coloured pot Anthurium named Leganza®.

Leganza parelmoerkleurige potanthurium


Anthura was present at the Libelle Zomerweken event on Almere beach which every year attracts approximately 80,000 visitors, particularly women. This was the ideal moment to find out what these women like and prefer.

This year we built a wall of 9 cm pot Anthuriums on the stand to show an alternative application and to bring the wide range of colours to people’s attention.

Leganza parelmoerkleurige potanthurium 12 en 14 cm

The entire fair constitutes a beautiful setting to conduct consumer research. And guess what? The Dutch consumer is not looking primarily for the standard red, white or pink pot Anthurium, but for a beautiful pearl coloured pot Anthurium named Leganza®. Leganza received by far the most votes during our research, in which visitors could choose from several plants and indicate their favourite. This pearly white pot plant outnumbered by far the other varieties.

As growers, exporters or breeders, we often believe ourselves to have a monopoly on wisdom. The trap lies in the fact that our personal opinion about a variety takes over and what the consumer actually wants is not given enough consideration. The result is then that ‘the consumer’ often has a different opinion.

The above shows that the retail chain should think more in terms of market needs, also taking into account the different cultures, peoples, habits and tastes of different countries. Consumers quite simply do not all have the same taste. You are very welcome to come and see Leganza® in the showroom! If you wish to receive this plant yourself, please ask your sales manager about the availability.

This article is part of the Anthurinfo October 2016. Read all articles here.